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Kegagalan Paspampres Obama, 2014

 on Senin, 20 Oktober 2014  

Terjemahan bebas Secret Service Fail, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 420, Sunday October 19, 2014

Secret Service bertanggung jawab atas perlindungan terhadap Presiden, Wakil Presiden, dan para tamu negara AS.
Secara historis, badan itu berkembang di bawah Treasury Departement (Kementrian Keuangan) dan pada mulanya bertanggung jawab atas perlindungan terhadap pemalsuan di sektor keuangan. Masih memegang dua mandat ini, Paspampres kini dipayungi oleh Homeland Security Department (Kementrian Keamanan Dalam Negeri). 
United States Secret Service The United States Secret Service (USSS) is an American federal law enforcement agency that is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The sworn members are divided among the Special Agents, Special Officers and the Uniformed Division. Until March 1, 2003, the Service was part of the US Department of the Treasury. The Secret Service has two primary missions, investigation of financial crimes and physical protection of designated protectees. After the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley, Congress also directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States. Protection remains the other key mission of the United States Secret Service. Since the 1960s, Presidents John F. Kennedy (killed), Gerald Ford (twice attacked, but uninjured) and Ronald Reagan (seriously wounded) have been attacked while appearing in public. The Director of Secret Service is appointed by the President of the United States.
Telah ada pembunuhan maupun upaya pembunuhan terhadap beberapa presiden AS, pekerjaan itu semakin menantang. Gedung Putih telah menjadi sebuah benteng. Sementara itu, ada tanda-tanda bahwa badan itu telah menjadi kumpulan orang-orang lama (old boys club), dengan moral rendah di jabatan-jabatan rendah sedangkan manajemen atas menunjukkan kapasitas penilaian yang buruk.
Sebuah insiden pada 2011 dimana Gedung Putih menjadi target dan sebuah insiden di lift di CDC pada 2014 berdiri sebagai contoh-contohnya. Menurut para alien Zeta, daftar kegagalannya jauh lebih besar dari ini.
President Obama has Faced Three Times as many Threats on his Life as Past Presidents, September 29, 2014 On November 11, 2011, Oscar Ortega-Hernandez pulled up to the front gate of the White House, aimed a Romanian-made Cugir semiautomatic rifle at the residence, and fired. At least seven of his shots hit the White House. Sasha Obama was in the residence at the time. Malia Obama was on her way home. The attack was brazen enough that it was literally live-tweeted. The Secret Service's response was a disaster. Agents were told to stand down, that it was just a car backfiring. Later, the story was changed to gang members shooting at each other just outside the White House. Agents who believed the shots had been fired at the residence were afraid to contradict their superiors. The truth was only discovered when a housekeeper noticed broken glass on the Truman Balcony.
Secret Service Missed Man with Gun in Elevator with Obama, September 30, 2014 A man with a gun that the Secret Service did not know about rode in an elevator with President Obama during his visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta on Sept. 16. Obama was in an elevator with his Secret Service security detail when a CDC security officer operating the elevator started taking photos and a video of the president with his phone and behaving unprofessionally.  When he didn’t deny taking the photos, his CDC supervisor, who was on hand for the interview, said the behavior was highly irresponsible and told him to hand over his gun, shocking the Secret Service officers who were questioning the man. Before the president travels anywhere, Secret Service agents make it their job to know who will have access to the president and anyone with a gun needs special clearance and may not be allowed to carry it when the president is onsite.
[Analisa Para Alien Zeta Atas Upaya-Upaya Pembunuhan Pada Obama]

ZetaTalk Analysis 10/4/2014: "Sudah banyak yang diupayakan untuk sebuah insiden 2011 dimana tembakan-tembakan dilancarkan ke Gedung Putih dan terlambat diketahui, namun adalah sejumlah besar upaya pembunuhan yang telah terjadi di tempat-tempat lain yang menunjukkan bahaya yang lebih besar lagi bagi Obama.
  • Menjelang Maret 2013, tercatat ada upaya menaruh diesel ke dalam tangki bensin mobilnya di Israel dan upaya meracuni di acara makan siang Partai Republik. [Upaya-Upaya Pembunuhan Terhadap Obama]
  • Menjelang September 2013 insiden di  Navy Shipyard merupakan upaya pengalihan lainnya, karena Obama telah dijadwalkan untuk melakukan konferensi pers di lapangan rumput Gedung Putih. [Penembakan di Navy Yard]
  • Dan pada Desember, 2013 seorang penerjemah yang telah diketahui pernah mengalami episode-episode schizoprenik ganas telah ditugaskan untuk berdiri di panggung di sebelah Obama di Afrika Selatan.
    [Upaya Pembunuhan Terhadap Obama di Afrika Selatan]
[Ada Orang Lompat Pagar Gedung Putih]

Lalu datanglah insiden dramatis orang yang melompat pagar Gedung Putih di akhir September 2014, dengan si penyusup menerobos masuk ke Gedung Putih dan berlarian kesana-kemari di East Room, bersenjatakan sebuah pisau.

Beberapa lapisan perlindungan telah berulang-ulang gagal, dengan kesalahan paling mengerikan berupa alarm-alarm yang dimatikan gara-gara mengganggu para Usher (petugas pengantar/pengarah tamu).
Menurut para alien Zeta, satu-satunya cara untuk memperbaiki adalah kepemimpinan baru.
[Kasus Orang Yang Melompati Pagar Gedung Putih] 
White House Intruder Gets Far Past Front Door. September 29, 2014 Gonzalez was on the Secret Service radar as early as July when state troopers arrested him during a traffic stop in southwest Virginia. State troopers there said Gonzalez had an illegal sawed-off shotgun and a map of Washington tucked inside a Bible with a circle around the White House, other monuments and campgrounds. The troopers seized a stash of other weapons and ammunition found during a search of Gonzalez's car. The Secret Service interviewed Gonzalez in July, but were unable to hold him and he was released on bail. Gonzalez was stopped and questioned again on Aug. 25 while walking along the White House's south fence. He had a hatchet, but no firearms. His car was searched, but he was not arrested. Secret Service, like other law enforcement agencies, must have evidence of criminal behavior before filing charges against an individual.
White House Fence-Jumper made it far Deeper into Building than Previously Known, September 29, 2014 A plainclothes surveillance team was on duty that night outside the fence, meant to spot jumpers and give early warning before they made it over. But that team did not notice Gonzalez. An alarm box near the front entrance of the White House designed to alert guards to an intruder had been muted at a request of the usher’s office. Boxes were silenced because the White House usher staff, whose office is near the front door, complained that they were noisy. The officer posted inside the front door appeared to be delayed in learning that the intruder, Omar Gonzalez, was about to burst through. Officers are trained that, upon learning of an intruder on the grounds — often through the alarm boxes posted around the property — they must immediately lock the front door. The alarm boxes, which officers call “crash boxes,” are key pieces of the agency’s first-alert system, according to former agents and officials. If officers spot an intruder, they are trained to hit the large red button on the nearest box — sending an alert to every post on the complex about the location of an incursion and piping sound from that location to other boxes around the property. There was an officer in a guard booth on the North Lawn. When that officer could not reach Gonzalez, there was supposed to be an attack dog, a specialized SWAT team and a guard at the front door — all at the ready. The dog was not released. After barreling past the guard immediately inside the door, Gonzalez, who was carrying a knife, dashed past the stairway leading a half-flight up to the first family’s living quarters. He then ran into the 80-foot-long East Room, an ornate space often used for receptions or presidential addresses.
[Analisa Para Alien Zeta Tentang Kegagalan Paspampres Obama]

ZetaTalk Analysis 4 Okt. 2014:   

"Inti permasalahannya ada empat kali lipat:
1. Secret Service begitu jarang ditantang sehingga mereka menjadi lamban dan berantakan, tanpa ada seorangpun yang dapat bersikap lebih bijak,
2. Obama, sebagai Presiden berkulit hitam yang pertama, bertindak bagaikan cambuk petir terhadap upaya-upaya pembunuhan itu, dan
3. kepemimpinan Obama mengenai pengumumannya yang masih tertunda yang mengakui bahwa Nibiru telah tiba, telah menjadikannya target bagi orang-orang yang ingin cover-up berlanjut. 
Telah menjadi lamban dan malas, Secret Service itu mengandalkan lencana-lencana penghargaan mereka--reputasi mereka sebelumnya--dan baru-baru ini menjadi berita karena membawa pekerja-pekerja seks komersial ke kamar-kamar mereka saat bertugas di luar negeri.
Asumsinya adalah bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang akan berani membunuh sang Presiden dengan adanya reputasi mereka, maka merekapun dapat rileks.
Setelah mengalami banyak sekali kegagalan--satu demi satu terus menumpuk--diharapkan akan mengakibatkan para pegawai sipil ini diganti dengan agen-agen baru dan kepemimpinan baru.

Si pemanjat pagar (Gonzales--pen.) bahkan tidak diperhatikan oleh para kontraktor yang disewa untuk mengawasi pagar itu. Anjing juga tidak dilepas sama sekali. Gonzales berhasil lari melewati pos penjagaan, di lapangan berumput itu, dengan dua penjaga ditempatkan di pintu, tanpa ditangani. Dan yang paling menakjubkan dari semua itu, alarm-alarm diperkenankan untuk dilepas karena telah mengganggu para usher.

Pada 2014, Obama mulai menggunakan doubles untuk acara-acara keluar dan acara-acara pidato dimana double-nya hanya perlu membaca naskah. Jadi kenapa harus heran?" [Acara Jalan-Jalan Obama 2014 dan Pemeran Penggantinya]

Kegagalan Paspampres Obama, 2014 4.5 5 Nirata Senin, 20 Oktober 2014 Terjemahan bebas Secret Service Fail, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 420, Sunday October 19, 2014 Secret Ser...