"Akan datang para pembawa pesan yang mendahului
kedatangan sang Pemurni ini. Mereka akan meninggalkan pesan-pesan
kepada orang-orang di Bumi yang mengingat cara-cara lama.
Pesan-pesan itu akan ditemukan terukir pada batu yang hidup,
melalui biji-bijian sakral, dan bahkan di air." Nubuatan Indian Hopi
Terjemahan bebas Snow Circle, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 166, Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sebuah crop circle salju yang menakjubkan muncul di Belanda, asli, tidak diragukan lagi. Tidak ada jejak-jejak kaki yang tampak maupun jejak-jejak yang biasanya ditinggalkan oleh mesin-mesin manusia. Lingkaran itu diletakkan dengan memindahkan satu inci atau lebih salju, ketimbang melelehkan maupun memampatkan saljunya, yang mendemonstrasikan bahwa kaki yang menjejak tidak digunakan untuk meletakkan desain itu.
Holland - Biggest Snow Circle Formation Ever, December 21, 2009 The extreme cold of the previous night (during which the rings appeared), the lack of footprints, and the fact that the "missing" snow is not piled up anywhere in, or anywhere near, the formation - all of which seem to rule out mechanical creation of the rings. http://www.rense.com/general88/snowc.htmApa maksud crop circle itu? Para alien Zeta menjelaskan.
Penjelasan ZetaTalk 26 Des. 2009:
Ini adalah lingkaran (crop circle) di salju yang asli, yang bukan dikerjakan oleh manusia-manusia.
Salju dipilih sebagai media karena baru-baru ini ada sejumlah hoax yang dilakukan di Eropa. Manusia pasti akan meninggalkan jejak-jejak, dan akan memampatkan atau melelehkan, ketimbang memindahkan, saljunya. Demikian pula, menutupi jejak-jejak kaki dengan salju artifisial maupun hasil pabrikasi akan terlihat jelas, melalui penampilannya kalau tidak bisa dengan cara lain.Apa pesannya di sini? Bahwa kehadiran alien itu nyata, bukan hoaxed (omong kosong, dibuat-buat). Bahwa ada penyusup (Planet X--pen.) di tata surya ini, di kanan Bumi dan di antara Bumi dan Matahari. Bahwa bumi sedang dalam gencetan, dan tidak dapat meloloskan diri. [Baca: Bumi Mabuk, Terhuyung-Huyung Seperti Angka 8]
Crop Circle Di Salju dekat Hoeven, Belanda, 19 Desember 2009
60x25m, 23 ring (Photo: Roy Boschman)
Baca juga :
Crop Circle Alat Konsultasi Manusia
Crop Circle Alat Konsultasi Manusia
Makna Crop Circle Jogotirto, Sleman
Pengalaman saksi mata
Sumber: Holland - Biggest Snow Circle Formation Ever - Pics By Nancy Talbott (BLT Research Team Inc), 21 Des. 2009
"At around 11:30pm (Netherlands time) on the night of December 17th I had called the young Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke in Holland, and we talked until about 1:30 2:00 am (Netherlands time) about various things. Toward the end of our conversation Robbert said he felt that some circles might be coming in the snow...and I got the impression, based on my past experiences with Robbert (http://www.bltresearch.com/robbert/php), that this was likely to occur before Christmas.
The next evening (Friday, Dec. 18th) at around midnight Robbert got a very strong feeling that a formation was arriving at a field not too far from his home which we call the "special" field (because so many anomalous events have occurred there over the years). He telephoned a local friend, Ellen Gomis, to ask if she would drive him to the field to see if there was a new circle present, and Ellen agreed. It was very cold and there were several inches of snow on the ground.
When they arrived at around 1:00 am (Saturday, Dec. 19th) Robbert immediately felt what he described to me as a quiet, very still, "holy" feeling and heard what he could best describe as a choir of "angels" singing. I asked Robbert if Ellen heard this, too, but he said "no"-it was only he who heard the "singing." As they walked down from the dike both Ellen and Robbert saw multiple rings which had been scooped out of the snow-covered field."