Apa saja implikasi dari pengungkapan-pengungkapan oleh Snowden (Snowden Affair), dan apa kira-kira hasil akhirnya?
Snowden Shakes Up Washington, November 5, 2013 http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/snowden-shakes-up-washington/ Activists all over the world are calling Edward Snowden, the man who leaked thousands of classified intelligence documents to journalists before fleeing the country last June, a hero. Meanwhile, the revelations spawned by these leaks are changing the way lawmakers and individuals consider reasonable search and surveillance in a post-9/11 world.Jawaban ZetaTalk
Implikasi utama dari Snowden Affair adalah bahwa tak ada rahasia apapun, seberapapun terlindungi rahasia itu, yang aman.
Manusia-manusia terlibat dalam seluruh rahasia-rahasia nasional, pada suatu langkah, dan manusia-manusia mempunyai banyak agenda, dan mereka juga makhluk-makhluk yang rumit. Kesalahan manusia juga dapat membuat pintu terbuka, sehingga rahasia-rahasia dapat disadap oleh orang-orang yang sangat ingin tahu.Dalam Snowden Affair, seorang analis telah memutuskan bahwa dunia perlu tahu jenis informasi apa yang sedang dikumpulkan. Dan dampak pengungkapan-pengungkapannya itu telah mengancam rasa percaya yang ada di antara AS dan para sekutunya.
Apa jenis masalah-masalah, di luar apa yang telah diaduk-aduk, yang dapat dihasilkan dari pengumpulan rahasia-rahasia?
Kemungkinan terbesar adalah bahwa seseorang yang tidak berada dalam rantai komando, namun ada di dalam saluran-saluran pembuangan NSA atau yang setara dengan itu di negara-negara lain, akan menggunakan informasi itu untuk memeras.Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menghentikan itu? Apakah dahulu pernah terjadi?
Sudah pastinya! Pemerintah-pemerintah dan individu-individu merasa tersinggung ketika mereka menyadari bahwa telepon-telepon dan percakapan-percakapan pribadi mereka sedang direkam oleh orang-orang lain bukan karena mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu yang salah, tapi karena memang iya, dan tidak ingin tertangkap basah.
Snowden affair chills U.S.-Latin American ties http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/07/13/snowden-us-latin-america/2514741 America is pivoting to Asia, focused on the Mideast, yet the "backyard," as Secretary of State John Kerry once referred to Latin America, is sprouting angry weeds as the scandal involving intelligence leaker Edward Snowden lays bare already thorny U.S. relations with Latin America. Taking the opportunity to snub their noses at the U.S., Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua have already said they'd be willing to grant asylum for Snowden, who is wanted on espionage charges in the United States for revealing the scope of National Security Agency surveillance programs that spy on Americans and foreigners. Ecuador has said it would consider any request from Snowden.
France Summons US Ambassador in Snowden Affair, 10/22/2013 http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-10-22/france-summons-us-ambassador-snowden-affair It’s all for play isn’t it when the French Minister of the Interior Manuel Valls summons the US Ambassador? It’s just for the newspeak and the media on the advice of his spin-doctor to swivel the French public around so much that they won’t know what’s hit them. The National Security Agency will hardly be quaking in its eavesdropping boots since they probably got wind of it long before Valls had even picked up the phone. Anyhow, what will come of it all. The NSA is hardly going to either back down or come clean, is it? Revelations The French newspaper Le Monde has published an article today in which it reveals that Edward Snowden has provided the proof that there was a massive-scale program carried out between December 2012 and January 2013in which not only suspected terrorists were being listened in on but also members of industry and politicians as well as the general public.There were 70.3 million calls that were recorded during that period.