Bintang Pari tak lain adalah Nibiru, aka Planet X, atau Matahari Kedua. Brown Dwarf ini akan lewat di jarak terdekat dengan Bumi (Passage) dan menyebabkan Pergeseran Kutub (Pole Shift), tapi TIDAK AKAN MENABRAK BUMI, karena Sifat Orbitnya dan ada Gaya Tolak gravitasi. [click Planet X 2003 Photos below to see more]
Videos: Nibiru's Path (Animation) by Kojima
The Zeta Report - FUTURE MAPS


Data Keterhuyungan Bumi Per Desember 2014

 on Minggu, 22 Maret 2015  

Keterhuyungan Bumi yang selama ini disebut-sebut oleh ZetaTalk juga tercatat di The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS). ZetaTalk selalu menunjukkan bahwa akibat keterhuyungan Bumi, semenjak Planet X memasuki Tata Surya dalam kita, matahari terbit dan terbenam di tempat-tempat yang salah. Para tetua suku Inuit juga menyatakan bahwa matahari tidak terbit di tempat biasanya dan di tempat mereka posisi matahari siang lebih tinggi dari biasanya. [Baca juga: Bumi Miring, Benarlah Kata Orang Eskimo]
"Their Sky Has Changed!" Inuit Rlders Sharing Information with NASA Regarding Earth's "Wobble", December 4, 2014 The elders maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used too, they have longer day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to be and warms up quicker than before. The elders who were interviewed across the north all said the same thing, their sky has changed. The stars the Sun and the Moon have all changed affecting the temperature, even affecting the way the wind blows, it is becoming increasingly hard to predict the weather, something that is a must on the Arctic. The elders all agree, they believe the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.
Berikut laporan tentang keterhuyungan Bumi yang tercatat IERS, suku Inuit, serta crop circle di Belanda pada 2014.

Terjemahan bebas Wobble Data, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 430, Sunday December 21, 2014
Keterhuyungan Bumi terus memburuk saja akhir-akhir ini, dan datanya mendukung pernyataan ini. Bumi Utara menjadi lebih gelap, dingin, dan lebih banyak curah salju selama Musim Gugur terakhir ini dari pada yang telah diexpektasi atau tercatat. Hal ini juga telah diperhatikan oleh orang-orang Inuit di Arctic.

Fall Snow Cover in Northern Hemisphere was most Extensive on Record, even with Temperatures at High Mark, December 4, 2014 In 46 years of records, more snow covered the Northern Hemisphere this fall than any other time. It is a very surprising result, especially when you consider temperatures have tracked warmest on record over the same period.
"Their Sky Has Changed!" Inuit Rlders Sharing Information with NASA Regarding Earth's "Wobble", December 4, 2014 The elders maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used too, they have longer day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to be and warms up quicker than before. The elders who were interviewed across the north all said the same thing, their sky has changed. The stars the Sun and the Moon have all changed affecting the temperature, even affecting the way the wind blows, it is becoming increasingly hard to predict the weather, something that is a must on the Arctic. The elders all agree, they believe the Earth has shifted, wobbled or tilted to the North.
Tercatat di Wisconsin tengah, matahari terbit telah diperhatikan muncul terlambat 25 menit selama Oktober-Desember 2014. Pada saat bersamaan, matahari terbenam terjadi satu jam lebih awal di Wisconsin, sebagaimana tercatat pada 1 Desember 2014.
Dorongan Kutub dalam keterhuyungan Bumi, yang mendorong Kutub Utara magnetik Bumi menjauh, telah memberi sinar matahari yang lebih sedikit di Wisconsin.

[Laporan orang-orang tentang anomali matahari di Wisconsin ke Pole Shift]
In this year, in Wisconsin, the sun rise at least about 15 minutes late.
Here in Wisconsin it is way too low at sundown, darkness descending a full hour ahead of time. On December 1 I noticed it was completely dark at 4:30. The Sun was scheduled to go down at 4:30 but twilight lingers for an hour afterwards. We anticipate on the shortest day of the year – December 21 – that it will be dark at 5:30. Others in the village noted this odd and early darkness too.

On the other side of the world, the wobble paints a different picture. India found the Sun higher overhead early in the morning on December 4, 2014 but heading too far South by noon.  To the northwest, in the Ural Mountains in Russia, this swing to the South by the Sun is noted mid-morning, as noon in India is mid-morning there. The Sun thus is rising a full hour late in the Ural Mountains, though on time for the sunset.
I find sun slightly oddly placed that it is unusually higher that it should be at 9 am from our place in Karnataka India, about 2hrs earlier and never is above head at noon but placed towards South.
I live in Russia, Ekaterinburg, Ural mountains. At the end of 2014 again five days see how late the Sun rises, moving over the horizon, i.e. low. At 10am rises and 16 of the evening sunset. In the night sky the big dipper is located close to the ground, i.e., it is very large and also near the horizon.

[Keterhuyungan Bumi Ditunjukkan di IERS]
Ilmu keterhuyungan Bumi belum hilang di kalangan ilmuwan, setidaknya tidak di antara orang-orang Perancis. Gerakan Kutub selama dua tahun terakhir ini menunjukkan bahwa keterhuyungan Bumi telah menjadi lebih ekstirm pada 2014.

International Earth Rotation & Reference Systems Service The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) is an interdisciplinary service that maintains key connections between astronomy, geodesy and geophysics.
[Crop Circle Nederland 23 November 2014]

Menurut para alien Zeta, sebuah crop circle baru-baru ini di Nederland pada 23 November 2014, yang tidak diragukan lagi keasliannya, memperingatkan bahwa keterhuyungan yang dialami Bumi sekarang akan semakin buruk ketika tiba Minggu-Minggu Terakhir tiba. Menurut para alien Zeta, umat manusia telah mencatat keterhuyungan Bumi ini di bawah sadar, dan dengan demikian tidak akan kesulitan memahami makna dari desain di Nederland ini.

ZetaTalk Prediction 12/6/2014:
Keterhuyungan Bumi baru-baru ini telah meningkat, sedemikian rupa sehingga Matahari tak pelak lagi berada di tempat yang salah di banyak tempat di dunia. Banjir bah telah meningkat secara dramatis. Angin ribut telah terbukti nyata terjadi dan dapat dilihat keganasannya. Gempa-gempa bumi di seluruh dunia meminta perhatian, meskipun seismograf-seismografnya telah dikurangi untuk menyembunyikan kekuatan gempa-gempa itu. 

Crop circle-crop circle di Nederland sedang menunjukkan apa yang masih tertunda untuk masa mendatang - Keterhuyungan yang parah menuju Minggu-Minggu Terakhir. Bumi akan terkulai dari sisi ke sisi dalam upayanya mendamaikan serangan magnetik dari Nibiru, aka Planet X. Semakin dekat Planet X, semakin ganas pula keterhuyungan Bumi. 
Data Keterhuyungan Bumi Per Desember 2014 4.5 5 Nirata Minggu, 22 Maret 2015 Keterhuyungan Bumi yang selama ini disebut-sebut oleh ZetaTalk juga tercatat di The International Earth Rotation Serv...