Bintang Pari tak lain adalah Nibiru, aka Planet X, atau Matahari Kedua. Brown Dwarf ini akan lewat di jarak terdekat dengan Bumi (Passage) dan menyebabkan Pergeseran Kutub (Pole Shift), tapi TIDAK AKAN MENABRAK BUMI, karena Sifat Orbitnya dan ada Gaya Tolak gravitasi. [click Planet X 2003 Photos below to see more]
Videos: Nibiru's Path (Animation) by Kojima
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Rahasia Di Balik Misteri Kematian Atau Menghilangnya Dokter-Dokter Juli 2015

 on Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015  

Apa komentar para alien Zeta mengenai pembunuhan baru-baru ini terhadap beberapa dokter pengobatan alternatif di Amerika Serikat serta menghilangnya beberapa dokter lain? Sumber: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 18, 2015
5th holistic doctor (age 33) died in Florida making 5 dead and 5 more missing, 14 Jul 2015 I read about Dr. Baron Holt DC not long after he died less than a month ago near me here on the East Coast of Florida. Father's day June 21st. Dr. Holt was coincidentally found the very same day that Dr. Bruce Hedendal (also a DC found here on the E Coast of Florida) was found slumped over in his car. Like Holt, Dr. Hedendal was also extremely fit. Dr Hedendal been doing an athletic event earlier in the day before he died. These two chiropractors who tragically died the same day in the same state, come 2 days after the death of Dr. Bradstreet MD who was found in a river in North Carolina with a gunshot wound to his chest. Previously Dr. Bradstreet had lived and practiced here on the East Coast of Florida as well.

3rd “Alternative” Prominent Doctor From Florida Found Dead in 2 weeks. Authorities say MD was murdered, July 1, 2015 Both Dr Hedendal and Dr. Bradstreet had dealt with run ins with the feds in the past.  In fact, Dr. Bradstreet’s office was just raided by the FDA days before he died. Now we have the inspiring intelligent  Teresa Ann Sievers MD, also here in Florida. She was in the Naples area in the South West coast of the sunshine state in Bonita Springs.  Her bio on her website describes her many accomplishments and degrees as a medical doctor who believed in a holistic alternative approach.  
Breaking: 4th Doctor (DO) Found Dead, Gunshot Wound to Head, July 14, 2015 Lisa Riley DO (Doctor of Osteopathic), from Lee County Georgia, was found dead with a gunshot wound to her head.  She was an emergency room physician at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in the state of Georgia. She was only 34. Dr. Bradstreet was an outspoken alternative MD well known in the Autism community. He’d helped many autistic children including his own child and was loved by many.  
2 More Doctors Go Missing, after 3 Found Dead in 2 Weeks, July 5, 2015 Now, in just a few days, we have 2 more doctors missing. The first is Dr. Fitzpatrick MD of North Dakota who went missing in or around July 3rd.   Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside MD (Pulmonologist and sleep doctor) of Wisconsin and hasn’t been seen since June 29th when he was with his family on an outing and just walked away. 
North Dakota doctor missing near Three Forks, Jul 05 2015 Eight doctors, at least five of them "alternative", missing or dead altogether in just a couple of weeks. I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but this is starting to get really weird and very sad. -- Dr. Jeff Bradstreet MD, was found in a river with a gunshot wound to his chest ; Dr. Bruce Hedendal DC PhD of Boca Roton area (E Coast, North of Miami) - found dead in car ; Dr. Teresa Ann Sievers MD, (Florida) - found murdered in her home ; Dr. Fitzpatrick MD of North Dakota - missing  ; Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside MD (Pulmonologist and sleep doctor) of Wisconsin - missing ; And three other MDs found dead in Mexico.  
Mexican Police Deliver Wrong Corpses to Get Murder Case Closed - Victim Families Allege Cover-Up, Demand Prosecutor's Resignation, July 9, 2015  The families of four health-care workers, who went missing on June 19 in Guerrero, thought their ordeal was over when authorities handed over the victims’ corpses five days later. Relatives claim, however, that the bodies are not their loved ones, and are now demanding that the lead prosecutor in the case step down and federal police take over the forensics examination. 
Dead Doctors: Now 8 Dead And Disappeared - Are Medicine's Finest Being Assassinated? The Shocking Links! July 10, 2015 The doctors worked at a community hospital, according to Today, it is reported that before their disappearance, doctors Marvin Hernández Ortega and Reynaldo Tepeque Cuevas, and two “administrative employees” José Osvaldo Ortega Saucedo and Julio César Mejía Salgado, were traveling in a gray car that police later found in Xolapa riddled with bullet holes, blood stains, and shells from a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle.

Penjelasan para alien Zeta, ZetaTalk July 18, 2015:
"Kasus terbunuhnya dan hilangnya dokter-dokter melibatkan lebih dari satu pelaku, meskipun semuanya telah terjadi selama bulan-bulan Juni dan Juli.

Dr. Holt dan Dr, Henendal adalah para chiropractors dan bekerja di pantai timur Florida, sebagaimana Dr. Bradstreet yang dibunuh di kota dekat sana, North Carolina. Dr. Bradstreet sedang dalam investigasi FDA baru-baru ini, dan Dr. Henendal dilaporkan juga berbeda pendapat dengan FDA. 
Pembunuhan-pembunuhan ini tejadi pada 19-21 Juni, dan tak lama kemudian seorang dokter pengobatan alternatif - Dr. Sievers - dipukuli hingga tewas.
Kesamaan dari pembunuhan-pembunuhan ini adalah asosiasi mereka dengan para pensiunan kaya raya di Florida, yang tidak menginginkan catatan medis mereka terungkap. AIDS, aktifitas homoseksual, dan sipilis masih menjadi stigma sosial di banyak lingkar pergaulan. 
Ada ketakutan kalau akan ada investigasi setelah dokter-dokter ini ditanyai; merekapun  dibunuh dan file-filenya dihancurkan. Tapi menghancurkan file-file dianggap tidak cukup, maka ingatan manusiapun juga harus dihapus. Kematian Dr. Riley di Georgia juga untuk membungkamnya, karena spesialisasinya, Osteophaty, yang serupa dengan pengobatan Chiropractice.
Sudah jelas orang yang menyewa pembunuh itu adalah orang yang memiliki masalah di tengkorak kepalanya, yang mencari pengobatan alternafi karena pengobatan tradisional tidak berhasil; dan orang itu bepergian bolak-balik antara North Carolina dan Florida untuk itu.

Bagaimana dengan dokter-dokter yang menghilang?
Dr. Fitzpatrick di Montana, Dr. Whiteside di Wisconsin, dan 2 orang dokter yang menghilang di Meksiko.
Dinyatakan bahwa tubuh-tubuh para dokter yang hilang di Meksiko itu diketemukan, dan sudah dicocokkan DNA-nya, tapi DNA ini bisa saja diambil dari orang yang masih hidup maupun yang sudah mati. Keluarga-keluarga yang mengklaim jasad-jasad yang mereka lihat bukan para dokter. Dua orang dokter AS memiliki spesialiasis untuk merawat orang-orang lanjut usia - seorang Pulmonologist (ahli paru-paru) untuk COPD dan seorang Ophthalmologist (ahli mata) untuk katarak. 
Ketika para elite mulai tinggal dalam bunker-bunker mereka, mereka ingin dokter-dokter mereka siap sedia. Para dokter yang diculik di Meksiko itu juga masih hidup dan akan dipelihara untuk melayani para elite itu, di Meksiko."

Rahasia Di Balik Misteri Kematian Atau Menghilangnya Dokter-Dokter Juli 2015 4.5 5 Nirata Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015 Apa komentar para alien Zeta mengenai pembunuhan baru-baru ini terhadap beberapa dokter pengobatan alternatif di Amerika Serikat serta...